New Patient Instructions

new patient
Thank you for scheduling an initial evaluation with us! We ask that you be here no later than 30 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time.

Securing the Appointment
One of our team members will be in contact with you in the next 24 business hours to secure your visit with a debit or credit card. We require a debit or credit card on file to hold your appointment slot, but it will not be charged unless you cancel or reschedule within 48 business hours of your scheduled appointment time. We require a 48 business hour cancellation or reschedule notice to allow us to serve as many individuals as possible. In the event of a no call, no show appointment or a cancellation or reschedule within 48 business hours of the scheduled appointment time, your card will be charged for a non-refundable $75 fee. Please call 270-389-9696 option 2 or email if you need to cancel or reschedule your visit.
Completing the Paperwork
Here is a link to our new patient paperwork: please only fill out one form
We ask that you fill out this paperwork in the next 24 business hours because the doctor will begin reviewing your case as soon as we receive the paperwork. We are very thorough here at ChiRho, so the paperwork can take anywhere between 30 minutes and 90 minutes to complete. If you are not able to fill out the paperwork in the next 24 hours, please email If we do not have the paperwork 48 business hours before the appointment, we will unfortunately not be able to hold your appointment and your payment method used to secure the visit will be charged a non-refundable $75 fee.
Previous Labs
If you have previous x-rays, lab tests or diagnostic scans that you would like the doctor to review prior to your visit, please email those to or fax those to 270-389-9691. We ask that you email, fax or mail those as soon as possible so that the doctor can begin to review them.
If you have any questions, please let us know. We are here to help!